  • 导语:同学之间就要懂得互帮互助,下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! Help Each Other This morning I went to the classroom at seven o'clock because I was ...
  • 老师是我们经常遇到的英语写作题型,你知道介绍老师的英语作文怎么写吗? 我的老师英语作文一 Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two...
  • We can't live without water, but now the water was polluted. It is the biggest problem. It influences our daily life. So we should find...
  • The modern life is becoming more and more colorful. The Internet is an important part of our life. It makes our life more interesting. Do y...
  • 导语:春天到了,植树节也到了,为城市绿化贡献我们自己的一份力量吧,下面是yjbys作文汇小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。 植树节英语作文_第1篇: On March 12, is the annual Arbor Day, today is a sunny, ...
  • In 2014, a show called Where Are We Going, Dad was popular around China, in the show, five famous stars and dads with their children went t...
  • My name is Blair. My father bought a computer for me last year. I learned to search the Internet. 我的名字叫布莱尔。去年我爸爸给我买了一台电脑,我学会了上网。 I made a...
  • spring festival is the most solemn year, the biggest festival. one to the spring festival, packed the streets, hanging men, women and child...
  • 编者按:即将小升初的同学们,开始对初中的英语学习充满着好奇。但是心中也难免忐忑吧。不知道在面对以后的英语考试中,这个英语作文应该怎样来完成。不要紧,小编准备了一些作文范文。面对你即将到来的初中生活,无论是日记还是考试,小编相信,这些都会是你英语学习道路上的一个积累。 My D...
  • I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . N...
  • On Sunday, my parents and I went to visit zhouzhuang and tongli town. Early in the morning, we arrived at the tianning temple near changzho...
  • mar. 25th, 2008 sunday fine this morning i got up early. after breakfast, i helped mom with housework. then i did my homework. the homewor...
  • I have many friend.Do you know who they are?Are they my pet? No.Are they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my favourit book. I l...
  • On Saturday, I went to my grandparents' house to play, entered my grandpa said to me: "home to a puppy." I ran quickly excite...
  • I am an elder brother 我哥哥_750字 i am a 10 years old boy. smart and handsome. i am proud of myself. because i can get perfect scores in chin...
  • China's Great Wall is known to the world as one of the seven great wonders of the world. It is located in North China. It is over 6000 ...
  • 两天的周末时光,你都是怎么度过的呢?下面是语文迷整理的关于暑假生活的英语作文,欢迎阅读。 我的周末My weekend【一】 My weekend is boring. I have nothing to do. I hope to go out and play with...
  • 暑假的时光总是过得很快,下面小编整理提供了暑假的英语作文三篇,供大家阅读。 暑假的英语作文一 Summer time is the besttime of the year.There is no school for monthsI get to do what I wa...
  • I have many friend.Do you know who they are?Are they my pet? No.Are they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my fav...

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