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my future英语作文及翻译 (1200字)

投稿:作家木公 时间:1年前 我要投稿

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  The future is in my eyes how good a word! Some people think the future is a long way off, and I think it is often fantasies of the future, be a good thing.

  I close my eyes and dream, maybe I will become a people's teacher in the future. One day, I finally became a respected teacher, has not said a word: "the teacher is human soul engineer?" I came to the new school, began to some nervous, but when I see one lovely smiling face, I all taut nerves relaxed. Began to chat with students, thus learned that the aspirations of their pupils... In class, I will be very serious, the class, I like their big sister, play games with them, chatting, so that we can promote the relationship between the teachers and students. As long as students have no problem, I will help them patiently. Good a dedicated teacher.

  Often fantasies of the future, like to learn their ideal. Fantasy back to the pursuit of the future is very important in the future. Only you can change the future, I have never said that the future will change because of you. But the opportunity is created by yourself, and to cherish every opportunity to achieve their own future






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