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志愿者精神英语作文带翻译 (1500字)

投稿:逍漠炎 时间:1年前 我要投稿


  Because I saw in the library before recruiting poster "volunteers". So today, I went to the children's library in zhejiang do volunteer.

  I go to fill in the form, my number is "894", fill in after I went to the teacher to report for duty. Find a teacher, because the teacher is too busy, no time to teach me how to do volunteer. Then, I have to self-study, behind the teacher see her how to do it. Fortunately, there are two also to do volunteer's big brother is willing to teach me how to do it.

  I made the first "work" is arranging the others also - book. The books in the library are all labeled, the color of the book are posted it on the top of the label. Big brother tell me: put the label of orange and clear at the beginning of the letter is I into a class; The blue into category; Put the red into category; Divides the orange and colorless beginning of letter is not I kind of...... is not very good at the beginning, I also very slow. Gradually, I faster and faster, practice makes perfect right away.

  In the afternoon, I went to the "work" on the second floor, my main task is to arrange the books on the shelf. I'll arrange the books on the bookshelf neatly by hand, after a while, the books on the shelf immediately turned and tidy. But often people to borrow and return books, and we will keep finishing.

  Today, I took part in volunteer activities. Volunteer activities let us "send person rose, the hand have lingering fragrance", free service for others. Let's action, and contribute a little bit!








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