  • I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the s...
  • 圣诞的钟声和雪花都不如你祝福我的话语,我把同样的祝福给你,你快乐吗?以下是小编带来的关于圣诞节的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。关于圣诞节的英语作文(一)Very long has not related! Recently fortunately? How studied? Thes...
  • On Drug Addicts As is shown in the graph above, we can see clearly that great changes have taken place in the age distribution of drug add...
  • 猴子是非常可爱的动物,那么猴子的作文大家会写了吗,下面小编为大家介绍写猴子的英语作文,希望能帮到大家!写猴子的英语作文1It’s very hot. An old man is asleep on the chair. A fly comes and sits on the en...
  • 【英语演讲稿一分钟(一)】Good morning everyone,today is my turn to the speech. First of all, I would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the goo...
  • I have a great dream, is to be a policeman. I dream all want to be a police, now social bad too much, I watched TV on the police, they cau...
  • Autumn is coming! The sky turns up, turned blue, the air is fresh, geese row tidy team fly to the south. The leaves on the trees turn yell...
  • 从广义上讲,濒危动物泛指珍贵、濒危或稀有的野生动物。以下是小编带来的动物英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 动物英语作文(一) Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history...
  • On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderf...
  • 金色的秋天,丰收的好季节,我爱秋天!下面请看语文迷网整理的关于秋季的英语作文范文,希望对你有帮助。 描写秋季的英语作文【1】 Ginkgo biloba are like little fan hung on a tree, while the wind came, the...
  • Old People in AmericaIn the old days,American families were bigger. People had more children,and grandparents and great-grandparents lived w...
  • 快乐又像梦游般似的暑假,让我们快乐的过好每一天,怎么写一篇带有翻译的暑假英语作文呢?下面是小编给大家整理的暑假的英语作文,供你参考!暑假的英语作文篇1This afternoon, my father took me to the Olympic swimming, I was ...
  • Father‘s loveAll say that love is great and selfless, in fact, fatherly love is express volumes.My father is a carpenter, a black and a whit...
  • National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to o...
  • 大多数“占座”是超出自己所应获得的资源去占有公共资源,在一定程度上是不道德的,违反社会公德的行为。下面是语文迷网整理的大学生占座的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 大学生占座英语作文一 On College Students' Occupying ...
  • 作文题目: 1.人们对职业各有不同的理想 2.我理想的职业是什么 3.我如何为我理想的职业作准备 参考范文: Different people have different ambitions. When children study at school, they ...
  • Our country has an ancient patriotic poet named Qu Yuan, he was exiled by the calumny, the inability to save the peril of the country, exce...
  • 第一篇:介绍厦门的英语作文 Xiamen is a major city on the southeast coast of the People's Republic of China.It is administered as a sub-provincial c...
  • 导语:运动会是每个学校最热闹的时候了,下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! last week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmat...
  • 列宁说“任何计划都是尺度、准则、灯塔、路标。”下面是语文迷提供的我的暑假计划英语作文范文,希望对你有帮助。 英语作文1: How time flies! The summer holidays is coming soon. During the t...
  • 学习英语的策略:方法要灵活多样。一种方式学厌了,可以变换其他的方式,以便学而不厌。(Different kinds of ways to learn English. One way is boring, you can use other ways, so that yo...
  • Winters in Taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime. I usually look forward to the Lunar New ...
  • 快乐的除夕英语作文 Today is New Year's Eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. As long as you take a look at the outside, red ...
  • 英语作文模板:实用性写作(申请信) Your address Month, Date, year Receiver's address Dear ..., I am extremely pleased to hear from you./ to s...
  • 关于五一劳动节英语作文:五一劳动节May Day May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor’s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And...

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