  • 罗素曾说过:“苦乐参半的平淡乃是幸福的本源。”就在去年我体会到了幸福的真谛。 记得那天,是我的生日,早上起来,走在校园中。晨风吹过,吹走了那番困意,伴着那朗朗的读书声,便开启了元气满满的一天。 然而,这一天,我的心,根本就沉不下来。一想到,今天是自己的生日,内心就无比地激动,...
  • 优秀范文赏析一: 2019年湖南省株洲市中考语文试卷 作文:请按要求写一篇不少于600字的文章。文内不得出现所在学校的校名、人名、地名,否则扣分。 题目:从此改变 从此改变 我是一位非常普通的女孩,我的朋...
  • December 31, 20XX, cold wind blowing and cold pressing. However, primary school campus in the garden rosy a fun, hot Teng Teng. Qingyuan Dan...
  • It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus got there at noon,they w...
  • I'm a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it's interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many...
  • There are many holidays in a year. Among them, the holiday I like most is the Children’s Day. Children’s Day is on the June First...
  • In the morning, she heard scratching firecrackers outside the window, my father and I hurriedly put ten thousand loud firecracke...
  • I want to be a model student. What shall I do? I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should wa...
  • It was sunny and hot today. I got up early at half past six. I read English and then had breakfast. I helped my mother washed th...
  • father_600字 1年前
    My father and I not have more than ten years, I can't forget the most is his figure. Last winter, my grandmother passed awa...
  • 导语:感恩由心而生,用心而做。有一颗感恩的心,多一份温暖的情。下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! What should we thank? The thankful great universe provides the environm...
  • Three days ago we decided to visit the Great Wall. Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning. When we were on the bus, we saw a lo...
  • 导语:你喜欢大扫除吗?小编很喜欢看着东西变干净,所以还挺喜欢大扫除的,下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的相关英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! Today is Friday. It's time to do a general cleaning. Our classma...
  • 导语:一年有四个季节,春夏秋冬,各有特色,你最喜欢的季节是什么呢?下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的相关英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring...
  • 伏尔泰说过“坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。”下面是关于坚持的英语作文,希望你喜欢。 坚持的英文作文一: Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. Peop...
  • 导语:以下是小编为大家收集的一篇题为每个人都有一个梦想英语演讲稿。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。 每个人都有一个梦想英语演讲稿 Everyone has a dream. Now I want to say something about my dream. What is ...
  • 范文一:2月14日情人节的来历 There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine’s Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valen...
  • Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it.A lot of factories...
  • 【英语作文】 Mother's day comes again. Today I got up early in the morning to mother said: "I wish you a happy mother's day"....
  • 第一篇 There are many festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival most. Not only because it’s the biggest festival in th...
  • Music is a kind of beautiful enjoyment, it makes me happy, makes me feel better. The music brought joy to people! The grass to listen to m...
  • 《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的长篇写实小说。以下是小编带来的雾都孤儿英文读后感,希望对你有帮助。 About the author Charles Dickens is a English novelist, generally considered t...
  • 有人说大城市适合打拼,小城市适合养老。你怎么看?以下是小编带来的living in a big city英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 living in a big city英语作文(一) some people claim that they are willing to ...
  • A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementaryschool’sfirst teacher-parent conference. To the little boy sdismay, shesaid s...
  • 1、For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or hearte...
  • “ We are made wise not by the recollections of the past but by our responsibility for the future”----George Bernard ShawChina is faced with ...
  • 导语:锦绣河山霾如画,城市建设跨骏马,我当个吸尘器有多荣耀,戴个口罩走天涯。朦朦胧胧好像雾,又像沥沥小风沙,京通快速进朝阳,以下是小编为大家整理分享的关于雾霾的英语日记,欢迎阅读参考。篇一:关于雾霾的英语日记Recently,haze weather has become a d...
  • Good afternoon, everyone. Very happy to see so many new faces here. I am Wang Pengyuan, a senior student from class 1101. Today, it gives me...
  • 暑假有来了,你去哪里旅行了呢?关于写暑假的英语作文怎么写呢?以下是小编收集的关于《我的暑假英语作文》,仅供大家阅读参考!我的暑假英语作文一The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forg...
  • 下面是写一件有趣的事情的英语作文范文,希望看过后对你有所帮助。 An Interesting Thing英语作文一: An interesting thing happened on yesterday.At night,when I was sleepping ,I dr...

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