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内容介绍:而动词remind并没有remindthat这种结构,因此就有了beareminderofsth/that这个短语。 3Itistruethat......


1 gravitate to
International students also tend to want “the cultural immersion” of another country. Lots gravitate to big cities: in America, New York University is home to the most international students with 19,605.(0808 Briefing)留学生也倾向于希望能融入另一个国家的文化。很多留学生被大城市吸引:在美国,纽约大学拥有的留学生数量最多(19,605人)。
lots在这句话中指代lots of international students,为了避免重复而省略of international students,直接将lots作为代词使用,更加简洁。some/many/few等
gravitate这个词很多同学可能不认识,但是一定认识其名词形式:gravity(重力,地心引力),表示力的方向。衍生出的动词gravitate则表示被...吸引,相当于be attracted by,是个非常正式的书面表达。【介词搭配】gravitate to/towards。
需要注意的是,gravitate本身表示的就是被动的意思,因此不要写成了be gravitated to。
如Many young people gravitate to big cities in search of work.很多年轻人被吸引到大城市找工作。

Big cities are a magnet for young people seeking job opportunities.
2 a reminder of
Quantum computing has come so far on the backs of(=thanks to) thousands of mathematicians, experimental physicists and engineers. That is a reminder of the limits of “great man” theories of innovation, exemplified by the cult of Steve Jobs, a founder of Apple.(0926 Leaders Quantum)量子计算发展到现在的地步,离不开成数以千计的数学家、实验物理学家和工程师的功劳。这提醒人们“伟人”创新理论具有局限性,对于苹果创始人之一史蒂夫·乔布斯的狂热崇拜就是一个例证。
reminder来源于动词remind,表示提醒人的事物。be a reminder of sth就相当于动词短语remind people/us of sth。区别在于,a reminder of省略了不必要的人称people。

如果后面不是名词成分,而是句子的话,则将of变成that:a reminder that...。此时that是引导同位语从句,对reminder进行解释。如:
Melting glaciers are a reminder that immediate measures are needed to address global warming.不断融合的冰川提醒人们,需要立即采取措施来应对全球变暖。
在文中这句话中,提醒谁并不重要,重要的是提醒的内容。再比如,在写作中表示“表明...”,我们用show that...,而不是show people/us that...。而动词remind并没有remind that这种结构,因此就有了be a reminder of sth/that这个短语。
3 It is true that...
It is true that infection rates are currently climbing mostly among the young. But the young do not live in bubbles. Recent figures show clearly how a spike of cases in the young becomes, in a few weeks, an increase in cases at all ages.(0926 Briefing)的确,目前感染率主要在年轻群体中增加。但年轻人并不是与社会孤立的。最近的数据清楚地表明,几周内,年轻人的病例激增就会变成各年龄段病例数的增加。

It is true that...这个句型可能很多同学都见过,但是几乎很少有人用对。从字面意思看,这个句型表示一件客观事实或正确的说法。比如It is true that heavy smoking can damage health.吸烟过量确实有害健康。
这句话的语法没有任何问题。但是,在这层意思字面意思下,还需要包含一层逻辑关系:it is true that...后面的信息属于让步,类似于although引导的让步状语从句。换句话说,It is true that...结束之后,一般要出现转折,引出更加重要的信息,通常是和主旨相符的信息。
在原文中,an increase in cases at all ages就是与mostly among the young构成了转折。如果只有单独的一句客观事实/正确说法,而没有后面的转折信息,则It is true that...就没有任何存在的意义。

It is true that private cars offer great convenience to our daily life, but the carbon dioxide they emit contribute to some extent to global warming.不可否认,私家车给我们的生活带来了很大的便利,但是私家车排放的二氧化碳却在一定程度上造成了全球变暖。
再比如短语in fact/in reality,表面意思是引出客观事实,但实际上包含一层转折关系,通常是与上文的理论进行对比。因此不能单独使用。如
In the popular imagination, sand is synonymous with limitlessness. In reality it is a scarce commodity, for which builders are now scrabbling.在大众看来,沙子是“无限”的同义词。但事实上,沙子是一种稀缺商品,建筑商们现在正为之绞尽脑汁。



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