当前位置:作文汇 > 初二 > 初二年级英语作文:Some interesting pictures

初二年级英语作文:Some interesting pictures (600字)

投稿:周浚安 年级:初二 时间:1年前 我要投稿

本文《初二年级英语作文:Some interesting pictures600字》由作文汇用户投稿,希望为您的写作提供参考,如果觉得好请推荐给同学们吧~非常感谢您的支持!

  Let me say something about the picture.

  There are two tall trees in it. Under the tree there is a long chair. And there is an old man reading about swimming. Near the old man, there is a boy painting. I think he loves painting very much. Next to the painting boy, there are two boys playing football. They are happy. But the football is in the river. Near the river, there are three children fishing. They go fishing about twice a week and they always go to the People’s Park. They like fishing. In the river, there is clear water and some fish swimming in it. The sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly, the weather is warm.. There are two birds flying in the sky, they are happy. Wow, that is a fun picture!

  Dear friends, can you draw the picture?



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